Concert à huis clos sans public | Radio Concert

Fr 8 January 2021 | 20:00 | AMR

Duo De la Paz-Helou

Argentine Emotions

Argentine EmotionsTwo Argentinians from the same neighbourhood in Buenos Aires meet up in Switzerland to make music together. Through this undertaking they revive their culture, their deepest memories and unwritten codes.

In the maze of its beginnings and histories, this repertoire reveals its multiple influences – from Flamenco and jazz to Fado. The Maria de la Paz –Roger Helou Duo draws its energy from the mutual trust, anticipation, surprise and improvisation of the stage. Tango, lunfardo, the rhythms of poetry, traditional dances, seduction, tenderness  and joy all come together to form a rich dialogue.



Maria de la Paz : voix, guitare 

Roger Helou : piano


Fr 8 January 2021 | 20:00

en collaboration avec
l’AMR et la RTS,
diffusion dans l'émission  Zanzibar, sur Espace 2

Ré-écouter le concert sur le site de l'émission

IMPORTANT : Concert à huis clos "sans public"

See also